Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wedding Day!

Now here's a great picture to show a beautiful bride on her wedding day. I wonder if theres going to be dog biscuits at the recepshun. I also think its funny if two dogs get marryed if you would dress up a third dog like a little priest so he could do it, though you need to make sure the priest doesn't llick the bride or groom

If that were my dog he would eat those little flowers, but it would be weird cause he is a boy!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Go Team!

I really like when dogs go out and cheer for there team. I really like it wen their dressed up like cheerleaders cause then they get really awesum pom-poms and stuff. when I picture this dog in my head I can just here them saying go team and all the other cool things they say

haha, I like how the doggie looks at you like "Why are you not ruteing for my team?"


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dogs of the round table

I like this costume as one of the best that I've seen cause I like when things are riding on top of the dog whose wearing a costume, It's like there going to a joust or something
haha, it looks like this dog is ready for battle, I bet they'll win the day with the help of this mighty steed



I think the chia pets are really cool when they sell them on the tv, It's funny nd they really make a home looks like the person who lives there has a lot of money because it's like they have a bunch of sculptures like fancy millionaires homes.

I think this person decided to make there real pet look like a chia pet, which makes him a chia pet pet! Just add water!

9/10 cause if you get two, it's free shipping and handleing

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Doggie Fast Food

I thought this one was funny even thought dogs should eat doggie food and not fast food.

I wonder how they kept the dog on the left from eating that dohnut even though it was right in front of his face, I bet he still licked off the sprinkles!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Dog Phone

Sorry I didn't do any updates for a weak cause I was on vacation. I'll make it up with a treat that I have for you guys!

I wonder if this dog has trouble getting through the doggie door with this big iPhone costume on. I wonder if therse an app that makes him cuddle!

5/10 cause he's cute but loses receptshun when I hug him

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Go OU!

I don't even know what games they play, but I found this little guy on facebook in an costume and if this dog is cheering for OU, then I'll rute for them too!!

9/10 if OU wins, 6/10 if not

Star Trek: The Dog Generation!

Haha, I really like this one cause it shows that you can not have alot of money but still make a super cool dog costume. I love the creative use of beer cans though I think it would be better if it has soda cans!

Beam me up scottie!!

More funny facebook dogs!

This here is Chloe, she is another dog I see from facebook. The thing is that Chloes' future is SO bright, she's got to wear shadez!

8/10 cause maybe chloe is working for the FBI

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Zeke!

Zeke has been the most popular dog on the site so far, and that even includes beer dog, which people really thought was funny. So Laura put up another picture of Zeke where he still has awesum lazer beam eyes!

Zeke should be proud because out of all the dogs I have posted about other dogs, Zeke got the most comments and they were all comments about how cool he was. It made me think that more people could be my friend on facebook and then if they have a good picture of a dog or something they want to tell me they can. If you want to write a blog of your own or something, maybe I can even show you how.

Happy Birthday Zeke!

My friend Laura on Facebook has a dog and his name is Zeke. Here is a picture of Zeke on his 1st birthday looking Festive to the Max!

Zeke is the coolest dog ever cause he has really cool eyes, and he rocks the B-Day hat like it is his job! I want Zeke to be the official dog of the blog.

I give him a 9/10, and that's only because Laura told me that she was going to send me an even better picture of Zeek. So I have to make it so that we can go even higher

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Super dog

Hi, It's me again with more you guessed it, pictures with dogs dressed up in costumes. I really like when the costume have legs that make it look like the dog is standing on two legs. I wonder if it looks funny when theyre walking and there are an extra two legs moving or if it looks like a little person walking.

I bet this dog could run really really fast and the legs would lift up and it would be like the dog is flying


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

cant catch me!

cuz I'm the gingerbread man!  I love the crazy wig this dog is wearing too

It was going to be a 7 but now its an 8 cause he looks deelicious!

HostGator review

Shiver me timbers!

Arr, This be long john silver, hand over ye booty or ye be in Davy Jones Locker!

9/10 cause the dog has a real peg leg

Special 2 parter!

This post is going to have 2 pictures instead of the usual 1 so enjoy the bonus!

Mr Dog Bergerlar has escaped from jail (Instead of Cat Bergerlar) His crime was stealing 1000 dog bones.

He better run though, becaus hot on his heels is Dog the Bounty hunter!


Dogs in costumes r awesum!

Haha! my blog has only been up for a little while but I already have people who want to read it and follow me, u guys are so awesum! I had a request that I put up a yorkey. So here it is.

I like when animals, especially dogs dress up like other aminals. I hope he dosent try and eat that banana cause it's not even real. I wonder if dogs like bananas

8/10 cause monkys are awesum

Beer Dog

Sometimes the dog drinks my dad's beer and he gets mad at him, but if my dad did this to my dog then the dog would be even madder. This costume is really stupid and mean to the dog.


Like in the old west!

Sometimes when I see dogs in funny costumes, I like to talk in what I think there voice would sound like if they were really the people whose costumes there wearing.

"Howdy ma, sure is a fine day, isn't it?"
"Sure is pa, you done water them crops yet?"
"sure have, I been done since almost after high noon I reckon"

Sometimes I do the voices for my friends and they think it's funny too, they like my chineese voice the best


Dog dressed like old lady!

I think it's funny when dogs dress up like people, In this picture, a dog dresses up like an old lady who is going to church or something! Purple is totally her color!


Hot dogs!

I don't want to eat these dogs, I want to snuggle with them!

5/10 for left, 4/10 for right, I like catchup better!

Dogs in costumes!

I think its funny wen dogs dress up like for haloween or if its there birthday, I have funny pictures to share with you of dogs who r dressed up and I tell you what I think and I'll rait them from 1 to 10. 1 is kinda cool and 10 means it's a super awsum dog costume.

Don't be late 4 class, Dr Scratcher means business! 6/10